New Leaf

I'm not turning over a new one, but this peace lily plant is.

A truly dreich day outside, so gray and cold and uninspiring. Extra 1 shows just how lousy it was as Frohring Meadows today.  The other extras show things people lost and others attached to snow plow markers for the owners to find next insulated dog bootie and a lime green something I can't imagine what on earth it is...any ideas? It was about 3" wide and concave, all rubber with a hole in the bottom just big enough for me for the plow stake tip.  Lastly, a sign from yesterday's walk that I thought was really nice. 

Thanks to carolinav for the challenge.  It's so nice to see green when it's dark and drab here!

The Cure
Albert Huffstickler

We think we get over things,
We don't get over things,
Or say, we get over the measles
but not a broken heart.
We need to make that distinction.
The things that become part of our experience
never become less a part of our experience.
How can I say it?
The way to "get over" a life is to die.
Short of that, you move with it,
let the pain be pain,
not in the hope that it will vanish
but in the faith that it will fit in,
find its place in the shape of things
and be then not any less pain but true to form.
Because anything natural has an inherent shape
and will flow towards it.
And a life is as natural as a leaf.
That's what we're looking for:
not the end of a thing but the shape of it.
Wisdom is seeing the shape of your life
without obliterating (getting over) a single
instant of it.

From Poetry of Presence, an Anthology of Mindfulness Poems, Phyllis Cole-Dai & Ruby R. Wilson, Editors, Copyright 2017, page 155

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