Mono Monday : : Green

The Elephant ears (Colocasia Esculenta) though still covered in ash, looked quite nice in the late afternoon sun and are one of the few mature green things left in our garden. Tucked into a corner of the house, they never burned. Other signs of green are the little carpet of new grass covering the blackened fields, some tiny sprouting green growth at the base of some brutally pruned shrubs, and a plant that dies back completely and disappears in the winter but is coming up in several parts of the  area under the oak trees. I've never liked it enough to find out what it's called, but I'm about to change that.

This week between Christmas and New Year's as always felt like a week when nobody is in charge. One never knew what was open and what wasn't but in the age of Covid, we all are pretty clear that whatever it is, It's shut. 

Another plant that has come back rather miraculously is the rose. All of our roses have almost completely recovered, and several are even blooming .I don't mind puttering around the garden, still collecting bits of wire,, nails,  burned wood and unrecognizable detritus. It's just good to be able to be outside without much to do....

Thanks to Carolinav for hosting this interesting take on the challenge.

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