Mission San San Francisco de Solano

Back in the mists of time when I was in elementary school all fourth graders studied the California missions, 21 Catholic churches built along the coast and dedicated to spreading Christianity to the native American Indians. This one, in the city of Sonoma was the last one to be built  in 1823. This last of the string of 21 missions is neither in San Francisco or Solano (although there is a Solano county in California) but I assume the San Francisco refers to the Franciscan order which built all of the missions.  

We found ourselves in Sonoma today out of a need for an outing. I was surprised how many people were out and about enjoying the beautiful day. There were small groups at picnic tables in the central square, people strolling around the shops ,which were mostly open and lots of kids playing in the playground. Everyone wore a mask, even the smallest children. as we strolled around the square I spotted the bicycle(s) in the first extra. By the time we got back a mom and her two kids were saddling up. The plastic bucket in mom's basket led me to wonder where they found either sand or water. The kids were obviously used to the drill and were quite a sight as their entourage rode off.

The history as taught back then was pretty revisionist and has been revised more recently to more accurately reflect the ill treatment of many native Americans at the hands of some of the padres. Several of the missions still hold regular masses but this one in Sonoma is now part of a state Historic Park. I like it for its simplicity of design reflecting both early California and Mexican culture. 

We decided to forego the tiny ice cream shop (is ice cream' essential' in December?) and the touristy chocolate shop in favor of a leisurely ride home through the Sonoma Valley with its well tended vineyards backed by the Mayacamas Mountains. 

We haven't been anyplace that wasn't what we consider essential in months, so although we didn't linger, the busy well behaved scene in Sonoma seemed almost 'normal'. 

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