Scottish Lock Down - Day 4

Our day started at 7am. I was fast asleep in my bed and Ann woke me up. (We never get up before 8am because it's so dark in the mornings.) She said, 'Trixie, it has snowed during the night. You've never really seen snow before so we need to go on your walk now before it all melts.' Well, I didn't have a clue what snow was. …......But now I know and I LOVE it. We went to the park and all this cold white stuff was lying on the ground. I ran, I rolled on my back, I ran some more, I rolled on my back some more....................... It was fabulous. And do you know what?...................... It never melted.................. It has been absolutely freezing all day and apparently tomorrow is going to be even colder.

This afternoon we went up Blackford Hill (in this Blip) for my walk. OMG! It was like the whole of Edinburgh were there. ….......And as for social distancing........................... there was no social distancing. Just look at these photos we've put in extras.

Because so many people were there, walking around and sledging, all the snow had been flattened and the whole hill was pretty much like an ice rink. I was OK because I'm a collie with 4 legs near the ground. Ann made it to the top of the hill but it was a real struggle for her to get down again. Apparently we're not going up there again in icy conditions.

I've had a fabulous day. I LOVE snow!!!

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