Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Last 2020 Fiona Tuesday

Apologies to Mike for this same photo she blipped yesterday of ELOISE in our neighbors yard .... but Eloise reminds me of Fiona so I asked if she knew her. Written by Kay Thompson in the 50s i guess its not one we’ve read....even tho I have a couple.  Fi  did not know Eloise. Eloise lives in the Plaza in NYC and rides the elevators and orders room service and has adventures. 
Our Fiona entertained us once again....I liked the top photo of her lying in her (bottom ) bunk bed playing sea battle with Boppa .  iPad on it’s side. We always check in with the animals.
Added that whole house in extra.   I love our neighborhood... there is everything from this to fancy townhouses to funky hoUseboats to fancy floating homes, and businesses.  I was “allowed “ out on my own for a short walk today. :-) but that was all.
2nd extra:on my bookshelf. I see this book was given to me in 1958 by my freshman college roommate ( UM) whom I have lost track of many years ago!!!!  weird

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