A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

The New Game

We gained a couple of new games this Christmas, the zoo animals one that customs wanted to check for live pandas, and this one: My City.  This is one just for us two at the moment although it can take up to four players.  

It's a "legacy" game - one in which (a) the effect of one play impacts on all future plays, typically by modifying the boards permanently, and (b) the rules develop slightly from one game to the next.  There are 8 chapters, each of 3 episodes - so a series of 24 plays.

Each player has their own board so the 'lands' will diverge over time.

To enable this, the rules and parts for the different phases are in sealed envelopes.  About to open the first one...

The nice thing about this implementation is that there's a version on the other side of the boards that will be playable indefinitely once the 'legacy' game has finished.

Also, as we're playing it two-player but there are parts for four, we should be able to pass it on to someone else to play the legacy game.

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