Day 283 It's Wednesday...

It's Wednesday, even though my picture looks remarkably like the one I put up on Sunday, except that the sky is not such a glorious shade of blue.  Mr MC cooked some rather elderly coley fish fillets that have been lingering in the freezer for rather longer than they should.  I think that originally they were bought for Lilly, who died in September 2017, so you can imagine the 'best by' date!
Neither the birds, nor Peggy Sue were the slightest bit bothered by 'best by' dates:  PS ate rather a lot herself (and managed not to be sick) and the rest was fought over by the birds.  Unfortunately the best fighting over scenes didn't come out too well as photographs.  I'm featuring one in extras and here once again is a pair of seagulls waiting carefully for their turn. 
In other news: we learned that a further 20 million people will enter Tier 4 in England from midnight tonight.  Most secondary schools will have a delayed start to the Spring term and we have just learned that as we are in a very hard hit area, Violet's primary school is amongst those that will not return until 18 January at the earliest.  Home schooling, here we come!

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