Happy New Year!

After yesterday's lethargy it was lovely to get out into the cold bright winter morning. And happily (and unexpectedly) I have enough extras left to document a few bits of our walk today along the Little Avon.

It is Abstract Thursday of course, so I'm dropping a quick frosty abstract in first. Then, my original intended shot of some lovely frozen moss as the Sun came up. A rather nice back-lit shot of Janet, a bit of gazebo and some delicious bracket fungus, and a mistlethrush leaping out of the mistletoe!

All in a days blip. The robin in the main shot was perched on the flailed hedgerow as we walked back through the farm into the village. Sp there you go, all the extras used up, and the champagne is on ice.

Happy New Year, Blippers. Surely 2021 has to be an improvement...

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