Jack Frost has been

Weaving his icy fingers over my conservatory windows.

A quiet day and it will be a quiet night.

The usual dog walk called at the coop forsome milk that was it. Rest of day was re making my bed and then time spent on PC writing an ems nameail to a friend.
I am trying to find out who sent me a card with no name on they just put a message which said I'm glad I have a garden and an old spotty dog Charlie well at first i couldnt think who Charlie was then thought that must be the dogs name.
I might find out one day.

Well the end of 2020 and most of us will be glad to see it go. Who would have thought this time last year just what we were in for. I went back into last years diary and added a footnote on 31st Dec saying something similar.

Hope you have a peaceful night.

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