The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

This town...

Is coming like a ghost town!
We are in tier 4 now. Non-essential retail closed again.

I wonder what tiers 5, 6 and 7 will look like. Stay at home and wait for someone to come and chalk a cross on your door?

When I was 12 in 1976 and learning about the Great Plague at school, I dreamed that there was another plague, and that people had to walk about with brown paper bags over their faces (with holes cut for the eyes). Doesn't sound quite so silly now as it did then. In the dream, my mother died of the plague. I hope she doesn't, this time round.

I'm a bit pissed off about tier 4 because I had not got used to tier 3 yet, as we'd only been in that one for five days. I don't deny the seriousness of the virus in any way, and I note with alarm that critically ill patients from Kent are being transported to hospitals in Bristol and Plymouth, because capacity has been exceeded in the South-East. I do, however, object to school and early years staff being used as cannon fodder. I would like to be able to leave work at the end of a session and go to a shop or a cafe on the way home. If it's too dangerous for them to be open, why is it safe for me and other teachers , educators, cleaners , midday supervisors and dinner ladies to go to work?

We won't be having a Hogmanay party tonight. But you guessed that already. And as for Brexit, I've got my Irish passport already.

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