The Sun Sets Bleakly

... on a bleak year.

Goodbye 2020, the year of the pandemic. Hello 2021, hopefully, the year of recovery.

As we reach the end of the year, all of us still here with our physical and mental health intact should feel very grateful, and hold thoughts for those who have struggled and offer thanks for those in the care services who have helped people try to get through to the other side. 

I've learned a lot about myself this year. I've discovered that I thrive when the inputs to my world are reduced. I'm able to output more. I've been more focussed than I've been for a long while. Filling out a form or dealing with a set of instructions can totally phase me, even something as simple as following a recipe, yet I find little difficulty in expressing ideas and painting scenes with words. My writing discipline this year seems to have resulted in a total rewiring of my brain. If I was offered it back, I'm not sure I'd swap my pre-accident version for this one. 

So, here's to a return to some sort of normality in 2021. Although I've enjoyed being able to hide away in my garret, I'm ready to see more people now, even travel a bit. Much as though I love Yorkshire, it would be great to feel free to go a little further afield, for the odd weekend at least. The final scene of my novel requires a visit to Donegal. I don't expect to know how the story ends until I get there and am able to stare out upon the wild Atlantic and see for myself. That's my biggest personal wish for 2021

Happy New Year everyone. Thanks again for all your visits here throughout this last year.

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