Seven years ago today

We were married, legally, after a 21 year engagement seven years ago New Year's Eve. The ceremony took place in our church hall, on a painted, portable canvas labyrinth. T and I helped introduce and create the labyrinth with other church members, so it was very special. A former minster of ours and his wife, also a UCC minister performed our ceremony.  

Our reception was at a small, local library, and it was all just fabulous. In the lower left are my 50 year camp counselor friends, that reunion was a party in itself. Since last March we have had a daily text thread helping to keep all of our spirits up. The thread has brought us even closer and let us to catch up on lost years. The lower middle photo is from the creative and hilarious wedding toast, involving a toaster and actual toast. We had an after party as well at Dogcorner Cottage, filled to the brim with friends and family.Our Swedish "brother" made stacks and stacks of Swedish pancakes to fill our tummys.  We ended the night with giant sparklers outside on the terrace. 

I wish we could do it all over again tonight!

For the Record,
This day came in with morning rain and clouds.

All Hands say Happy New Year!

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