Eight Years Ago Tonight

T and I were married after 21 years of 'engagement', 8 years ago on New Year's Eve. We had our wedding celebrated by our former Assistant Minister and his also Minister wife in our church hall on a canvas labyrinth. We helped introduce and paint it for a movable Labyrinth Ministry at church some years before. 

Our reception was at the James Library in Norwell, their first ever post wedding celebration. It was a very cold night and the tiny library was cozy and festive. We were joined by family and friends and our extended Swedish 'family' for the joyous occasion. Speeches, food, spirits, and frivolity, ensued. An original play for the traditional toast was followed by a raucous sing-a-long. Sweet Caroline , a Boston Red Sox favorite was the most spirited. My old camp counselor friends and I reenacted a song from a counselor show in the 70s amidst the fun. 

We topped off the evening here at Dogcorner Cottage with homemade, absolutely authentic Swedish pancakes followed by giant sparklers on the patio to ring in the New Year. It was just absolutely wonderful and I wish we could do it all over again. 

This New Year's Eve will be very quiet with a decadent re-do of our Christmas Eve dinner of lobster meat drenched in butter and stuffed clams. 

Sadly and American icon of stage, TV and screen, Betty White left us today just weeks before her 100th Birthday. Thanks Betty for every laugh and quick quip and smile. I loved your dimples.

For the Record,
This day came in damp and gray yet again.

All hands wary.

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