
Today's the day ……………………. to gather

I had thought I would go on one of my favourite walks today - out along the shore of Kirkcudbright Bay - but when I got to my usual parking space, it was obvious that lots of other people had had the same idea.

I quickly turned round and found somewhere else to go - but even so, there were still gatherings of people and not a lot of social distancing going on.  Of course, I know it is New Year's Day and there's a lot of tradition attached to that, particularly here in Scotland - but we all know that this year, things are different.  Don't we?

Anyway, I fought my way through the crowds to where there wasn't anything but ducks and waders feeding on all that the estuarine mud has to offer as the tide goes out.  There were a lot of these wigeon with their distinctive chestnut heads with a buff crown grazing on eelgrass.

They are very gregarious birds - and quite frankly, there wasn't a lot of social distancing going on with them either …………………………….

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