Thursday: Back To Bloedel

Today I remembered to book the tickets online that I should have booked when we tried to go to the Bloedel Conservatory a few days ago.  We had a 45 minute time slot which was sufficient.  It’s always a treat, particularly as it’s nice and toasty in there.  

Unsurprisingly, it was just the two of us for New Year’s Eve.  We made a pork roast with all the trimmings.  We battled to stay awake until midnight, not helped by the fact that it just felt like any other evening in 2020 so we cut our losses and went to bed.  We realised, though, that it was already 11.45pm so we leapt up again, had a quick whisky at midnight and then went back to bed.  Let’s hope 2021 is better for us all.

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