Day one

First rain on the first day of the new year. Maybe it can help the cleansing process a little. 
We're also 11 days closer to the next solstice and the day is already 10 minutes longer, strange how the mere knowledge makes me think I can notice it.

In the morning I started working on the new project for my Iraqi friend, writing some music and starting to invent a succession of chords to fit the melody. It will take some time before the song is ready for recording.

The rain soon stopped during my walk, it felt good to get some fresh air. Last night was much more quiet than usually during new years eve, understandably, because I live in a small village but I heard this morning that several of our larger cities had big problem with young people shooting fireworks aimed at the police and random people passing. I find the mechanisms behind that behaviour very difficult to understand.

Personally I have a positive feel for this new year and I'm curious to find out what will happen.

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