The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Dog Walking Locations

This morning was really slow.  I found it incredibly hard to wake up so when some friends texted and asked if we fancied meeting to take the pups for a walk in the woods somewhere I was more than up for it.  Steve on the other hand was a little reluctant as he was pretty hung over.

We are aiming to now reduce food and drink until our birthdays in February and I do feel like this will be a challenge - the long nights and being at home *all the time* has led to lots of wine and gin purchasing and drinking.  We'll see how it goes.  I am sure I've talked about dieting and losing weight every January since my mid 20s so let's not hold our breath,

Anyways, back to the walk.  We met in a little village of Aldbury and then headed into the woods at Ashridge estate - so beautiful there.  The dogs, Phoebe and our friends Hungarian Vizsla, Freya, had an amazing time running around with each other round the 3.5 mile loop.  I would have shared pictures of the dogs but they were both running around like mad things and getting incredibly incredibly muddy so everything I took was a blur.

The afternoon has been a bit lazy.  Steve ordered Dominoes to chase away the hangover (see - healthy eating broken already lol) and I sat with Pheobe while the poor wee soul dried off after her bath - she was not happy about that but she was literally a fluff of mud - we did not have many options.

I have a list of things I want to accomplish tomorrow
- get up at 7 and get Phoebe out for her morning walk - easing up to the Monday morning 6am rises for work
- get myself out for a run post dog walk
- do a bit of budget planning for work before officially being back
- finish my ethics approval request form and get it to my dissertation supervisor
- have some time to chill out and unwind before Monday

My last term at Uni wasn't the easiest and I found the balance between work and uni didn't pan out too well - plus I was exhausted with the horror of 2020 but now we are used to pandemic living I should be able to get back on top of things!

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