Snow had fallen, snow on snow ...

Snow on the coast is unusual. Last winter there was none after the blizzards of 2018 when the so called Beast blew in from the east. It is ironic that this winter when it is very difficult to travel to the Alps or The Rockies to ski there is excellent snow in Scotland but due to lockdown travel restrictions only the locals can actually enjoy it. The road to the ski lifts on Cairngorm has been closed and turned into an impromptu piste. The Cairngorm Mountain railway is broken, by its poor design and not the weather, with no date yet as to when it will re-open.

Walking our familiar routes takes on a new mantle with snow, frost and slip hazards all in the mix. The chill is most noticeable among the birds who sit as still as possible to conserve energy and puff out their feathers to retain as much heat as possible.

We listen to the news with increasing concern as the latest variant of Covid runs wild through the country and the NHS are coming under increasing pressures. The post Christmas peak and the increasing angst about the school return dates exercises everyone’s minds as the spring term is due to begin in England on Monday.

There is much speculation about the possible return to a full lockdown across the UK to try to slow the spread of this increasingly virulent virus. If that is to happen then everyone needs to get their skates on. Easier said than done for all those whose businesses are already running on empty.

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