Life through the lens...

By ValC

January 3rd 1967

Most of the Christmas decorations are now wrapped and boxed and put away for another year.
All the tree ornaments have to be individually wrapped which seems to take ages, but worth it in the long run, as some are over 100 years old.
What is also old is the newspaper which I found in the bottom of one box.The Yorkshire Post.
Dated 3rd January 1967.     This was the last Christmas I spent at home before we were married.
Mum packed this box, and then gave it to me the following year so that we would have some ornaments for our first tree.
Makes quite interesting reading, and so it has gone back in the box for old times sake.
From reading this it seems that nothing much changes. The trouble in the World just moves round  .Nice to see that even in those days people cared about the environment and the cleanliness of our rivers.

Next job tomorrow is to buy some daffodils to brighten the place up. Always looks a bit drab after all the trimmings have been taken down.
First must give the room a good clean!

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