the world is his oyster!

there he stands.....noseying out of the window....too early for a Sunday morning!

i was awake at 6am, and first cuppa at 6.15am. back to bed with it, and did a module of my online photography course.

second cuppa at 7am, so up and this is where Pete starts noseying out the window! how much has he grown in the last couple of months!

we had lazy couple of hours, and then off to meet Lorraine, with Albert Beagle at Felley Woods. it was freezing cold, with the odd tiny flurry of snow. fab walk as usual, and Pete was clearly knackered towards the end! either that or he was trying to get out of his bath! (just like we used to try and get out of showers at school!).

bathed and fed, off then to do a little bit of shopping and to take flowers to the cemetery with mum. even more freezing up there!

home, cleaning, and ironing, whilst Pete is still snoring his head off from the earlier walk. nice piece of pork in the oven, with some potato gratin. large glass of vino to wash it down. the perfect end to another lovely weekend.

tomorrows yet another Monday......

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