
Ahhh the weekend! Enjoyed last nights scallops and fizz, the best way to start the weekend!

Out for early doors walkies with pete at 8am. Clear and freezing cold out there. Managed to pick up a couple of sacks of logs this morning, for me and mum. Quick trip to buy m&s dine in for two, (one in my case!), then home to get ready for afternoon out.

Got the bus into town and then met up with Lorraine, trace, vic and Joanne. Fab time, the bottles of prosecco flowing nicely! Great food and laughs a plenty.

Then drinks at the bell, and it's there my phone battery runs out...omg! Cold turkey no phone!

On to tilt, a surprise little find, cocktails and happy hour and its rammed!
Got the train back with Kirk to Langley mill, and staggered into the new macdonalds there only to find ebo and ness!! Ness had the Smirnoff virus from the previod night and the only cure was a Big Mac! What I'd have given for that!

Fries, coke and a crunchie mcflurry thing for our co chauffeur home..lizzy.

In and an hour with Pete before beddy byes!

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