
By mindful_life


Today marked the first day back to work for me and should have been the first day back to school for the children. However my daughter’s school have started with online learning for two weeks and my son’s school had an inset day. As the day has gone on and looking at the headlines, it seems unlikely that they will be going back to school any time soon.

I headed out for my normal morning run but I did slightly less miles – 5.5 – and finished with a little weights workout at home. I am planning on doing this a little more this year – less miles and a few other exercises to have more of a balance. My plan is to reduce my weekly mileage to 40, still doing a half marathon each week, but incorporate some weights and more yoga. Day one of this new routine went well.

I expected to have a very busy day today working, but it actually wasn’t too bad. It felt like a nice gentle ease into it, which was nice. The calm before the storm I suspect.

My son has been very bored today and it has been a challenge given we have all had to work and he has had no school. When we were children of course we dealt with boredom much more than children do these days and apparently it is good for them. Anxiously waiting now to find out what the announcement will be this evening, although I can probably guess.

I looked at the theme for today quite late in the day and have been wondering how to approach it myself. The most fitting thing I realised was my trusty trainers... I go through a pair of running shoes within 3 months and have been wearing the same brand for many years now. I guess they are the right ones for me.

Since writing some of my blip we have had the announcement of a national lockdown which starts at midnight. Schools will close which is of course a challenge for everyone and it looks like it will be for quite some time. I think it will be harder this time round now that it’s winter and we all know what to expect.

Onwards and upwards though - there is nothing we can do about it. In hope those affected are taking the news well... keep blipping.

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