Returning to the roost

After a very long day at the unit (due to six new admissions and no registrars to help), I went to Western Springs Lake on my first bird spotting jaunt of the New Year. Heard a lot of tui, but the only one I saw long enough to take a photo was more than half hidden behind leaves. Pukeko were everywhere as were the mallards, with or without parera genes mixed in. 

As I walked along the path at the western end of the lake, I recalled just missing a close up of a spoonbill a couple of weeks ago. Decided to check out the small promontory. As expected, nothing there. 

And then I looked up to see two “squadrons” of spoonbills returning to the lake to their roost in trees on the southern edge. The two separate groups then began circling, one clockwise, the other widdershins. I was treated to the beauty of these large birds gracefully soaring, banking into turns, changing altitude and finally disappearing from my view as they landed on the far side of a point of land and trees. 

It wasn’t easy to choose just two photos to post 

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