Atop a fence post

Another jog along the Te Mata Road back towards Main Road (SH 23 between Hamilton and Raglan). This time I went to see the memorial to the Okete Church which was on a small hill beside Main Road. The old church graveyard has become a designated cemetery, with more recent burials having occurred since the passing of the church. 

The hilltop allowed a good view of the windmills on a nearby ridge. The high winds of the last few days would have generated a fair amount of electricity for the National grid.

While I was there a couple of small to medium birds flew past with one landing on a fence post. I was able to get close enough to get a good photo of a skylark. The eighth bird for the year already. 

Maori custom with cemeteries was obvious here with two containers of water by the gate leaving the site. To wash one's hands on leaving. That done, I headed back to the house.

We all went across the hills from Raglan back towards Hamilton and then to Ohaupo where my sister and her husband have a dairy farm. There we had lunch and the enjoyment of an almost impromptu family gathering. I took her a jar of Raglan Honey, and when we left her husband B gave us some honey made from hives on their land. 

Back to Raglan, and the Tsukens are in the process of getting Doner Kebabs for dinner tonight.

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