"Dochgarroch" milestone, by the Great Glen Way route, near Blackfold... rather than Dochgarroch. Unless of course it's pointing the direction to Dochgarroch, under all that lichen.

Was out for a long wander, and explore, with a good friend today. Weather wasn't quite what we were expecting, with very little sunshine, and even some snow. But we had a great walk, with loads to see, and plenty of catching-up blethering too. The journey largely ended with a lovely tea (and scone) stop at Bunchrew House Hotel. It was dusk by the time we left to stroll the tiny remainder of the journey. The one flask of tea we'd taken with us, wasn't nearly enough!

Talking of milestones, I arrived home to the news that it's "all change." The arrival of J.E.S. (born today at 4.21am; 8lb 11oz), means now my eldest niece is a mother; my sister's a granny; my parents are great grand parents; my other sister is a great aunt; and my brothers and I are all now great uncles! All concerned are in fine fettle... despite a brief intervention of Lothian & Borders Constabulary.

On the way to the hospital, driving over a well known Border hill route, the Police were stopping vehicles. The officer, in a very measured, and calm manner, said, "Good evening Sir. Can you tell me the registration of your vehicle?" Following the correct answer being forthcoming, he continued, "And, could you tell me where you are going?"
The reply of, "We're going to the hospital. My girlfriend's about to give birth..." led to a distinct change from the "Mr Cool" demeanour. The officer glanced at the obvious mother to be, and started, "Oh! OH! ...eh! Off you go!"

They made it in time.

Another first for today, happened early on. It had me innocently thinking it might be the main highlight. After living here for over thirteen years, I saw my first Red Squirrel in the garden. It was feeding on some of the food put out on the ground, for the birds, rather than yesterday's feeder Blip.

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