Combination Square…

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I made good progress in making the house more presentable, and decided to flash the big car up and go for a drive to charge the battery up… So where to go was my problem and then BINGO it came to me… The bottle bank… Due to Christmas cheer there was a reasonably large deposit for the bank. 

I have never been big on new year’s resolutions as I’ve always thought it is a bit crazy to wait until new year to change something… just do it now… However, I have been thinking about setting myself some targets to aim for between now and when I get the vaccine. Although the vaccine does not free us from the shackles of COVID-19 I believe it is a major step forward. I think the real game changer for me mentally will be receiving the second dose of the vaccine as I will have the comfort that the majority of the vulnerable people in the United Kingdom will have had the jab and I will be protected as much as medical science can do at the moment.

More tinkering around the house planned for today.

The Photo:
A very old combination square (set)… I really like the marks on this from a lifetime of work… There are a few other heads that fit onto the rule so I think I will photo them over the next couple of days.

If you are wondering what a combination square is then here is a better explanation than I can give…

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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