An Orkney Sky

We are currently enjoying a very fine spell of weather.  I went for an eight mile walk around the parish.  Progress was slowed by long chats with Peter McD, Mr  Moar and my s-i-l.  She had just been on a visit on her round from the Stromness Surgery.  Arranged a date (in Sept) to go across the Firth and climb Ben Loyal with P McD.  Jock has become self-employed, which is good news.

Margaret Clouston drove past as I was talking to Mr Moar, we had to give her a push as the byroad was a sheet of ice.  She’s very game going about as her mobility is quite compromised.  What a great humour she maintains.

Back at base the Inverter connected to the solar panels is on the blink.  I’ve been up in the attic ‘at it’ but, even with the diagnostics available, I’ve had to isolate it.  I watched a man on YouTube taking one apart.  I know fine if I tried to re-assemble it, it would come out as a juke box or a blender.

The Current Mrs Creel has been across at the jewellers.  The ring I had made for Christmas will have to be reduced in size.

Until next time……..

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