A baffling predicament!

Last job is taking down the outside lights, although I've left the lights in the tree as they are the most difficult ones to put up and down. Wire and plugs are in a weatherproof box at the base of the tree so they should be ok. If they deteriorate over the summer I'll just have to replace them and risk life and limb up the ladder again!
The baffling predicament came when I removed the string of lights from the hedge to the right of the tree. I was rolling them up and they seemed to stretch a lot farther than remembered them being long. When I got to the garage doors I knew something was wrong but I kept going. 
Then I got to the end of the lights, but not the end of the wire which carried on and finished up with a plug in a mains strip in the garage. Baffling because I already had a plug in my hand with the rolled up lights!!
Solution - its obvious I have two lots of lights in my hand so I switched on the garage mains strip. Of course, only half of the bunch that I had in my hand lit up. I worked my way through them and found, but had forgotten, that I had temporarily joined them together but just by pushing one bulb in between the two wires at the end of the other string.
Does that make sense? 
Doesn't help that we have been pretty much isolating, because of F.M.i.L. and  in and out of tiers and now in lockdown again. I'm sure it affects your ability to think straight, or maybe I'm just going mad.

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