
By Cully

Six Lords a leaping

Woke up this morning craving m&s sandwiches. The boy was upset as he didn't feel he did the sandwiches justice but I was okay, I had the birthday cake I brought home in bed while the boy went hungry.

Got up about 11.45, a well deserved lie in we felt and then headed to the best pub for pub grub with the in laws for a very belated double 70th birthday celebration/engagement/pregnancy. Seth pictured will be getting a brother or sister in August.

After another mound of food we waddled round to my mums for a brief chat then home to sort holiday photos and look for wedding venues. I want to run away and get wed in Vegas but the boy is having non of it and looking at castles instead - He will change his mind when he sees the money add up.

Tomorrow my aim is to reacquaint myself with the settee. I have missed it this weekend but its been a good un!

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