Impossible To Walk By

This pigeon had an encounter with a double decker BVG bus today  at Zoologischer bus station .Damaged leg & wing plus many lost feathers but it lives  .Impossible to to ignore and leave it to be "ironed " by bus after bus  .A young man helped me .He'd  a train to catch and I needed a "carrier ." We put  in a very safe place & on my returning it was still there .It's now home and in  two secure warm boxes on my balcony .I've made an appointment with a vet for tomorrow.If they can do anything fine , if not I will have it humanely put to sleep .This also costs but life is life and is the least I can do .Humans  have faith in ordinary humans .The 1st helper was German, a lady from Ukraine kept watch in my absence Then 3 young men from middle east. Noteworthy .I hope it makes it through the night . ..No wish to keep disturbing it but will be out on the balcony in my pj's 1st thing and pray I see the lovely eyes : ..

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