
Snowmixed rain, is an expression in Sweden, and a reality that I'm very familiar with since my early childhood in southern Sweden till today on Öland, with its coastal climate, some 300km north from my birthplace. The winter weather is about the same. Of course there are local differences and some years are colder or milder than others but my blips shows, in general the kind of winter I grew up with. Normally we can expect a rather long period of mostly grey weather during December, with occasional rain, snow, or the mixture some weeks into the new year and thereafter comes, sometimes, a period of colder weather that might last all of February. After that we can experience short periods of a spring feel, mixed with backlashes of winter. It sounds horrible, doesn't it but I'm born into it and even if I don't enjoy it, I can bear it because it really is a rather short period of the year. 

My main is from The Pond. Temperatures have been around +1 and snowing so the surface of the water has taken a kind of soupy consistency that could easily start forming ice if the temperature falls. But it won't, as yet. The ground isn't frozen and the snow is so mixed with rain that it can't build a layer on the soaked ground, as you can see in the extra. 

It's easy to understand why the winter season on Öland isn't a hit among the average tourist. I briefly saw and talked to one other person today so my social life is about as interesting as the weather at the moment.

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