Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Blue Nosed Dragon

Diplocodes trivialis

This is one of my favorite dragons and not one I see too often. Mainly because it is a lot smaller than the regular dragons, with a body length of about an inch and it always stays very close to the ground.

It is the only dragon that I see that regularly lands on flat surfaces, but still using the hooks and pivot principles that I discussed a few days ago, so landing on a surface without any texture would not work.

It looks very similar to Sabina Sabina except for its diminutive size and that conspicuous blue nose.

This shot demanded a full belly crawl with elbows buried in the mud. I really don't mind this because I am almost guaranteed a sharp image with no camera shake, which is my biggest problem.

I have blipped this dragon before, but I think it is well worth another visit.

Road trip to Singapore - day 6 is in. Thankyou all very much for the wonderful comments for day 5, a most stressful and yet enlightening day.

Thankyou also for all your love for my lady of yesterday. Probably the most media attention she has received in her life. But, who knows, with those gorgeous cheek bones and lips, maybe she has done the occasional vogue for the Indonesian rags!


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