eye of the camera

By telefoto


Christmas treats are still lingering..all I can say is thank god its Friday and I'm off this week end ...I'm really enjoying my new job but I have had some horrible customer this week but also some sales so not all bad ..felt a bit out of sorts this week ..I will always try and stay positive about things but some days are harder than others ...I'm getting bored working from home i want to meet my work colleagues I want to be back on my bike travelling to work (that feeling won't last once I'm in the rain again) I want the kids to be in school learning with their mates ...I want to know that the business we have just started will be ok and we will get going this year... I know I'm not the only one feeling this way and the bloody doom and gloom on the news doesn't help...plan this weekend minimise news viewing drink my baylies and work through the Christmas treats...cant do healthy eating blah blah with it all still here hahah

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