Reading books

I am alternating between two books at the moment:
* wildlife photographer of the year portfolio 30. This is my Christmas annual, the 19th I’ve received ( if I was a completist I would be trying to get hold of the first eleven, but life’s too short). The images are off the scale wonderful. I am looking at sections in bite sized junks, there is a lot to linger over. Much of it is beautiful, but the images in the photo journalism section I looked at today are startling and truly shocking. I like the fact that this portfolio does not pull its punches on what is happening in the real world out there.
* how to build a healthy brain. Last year I attended (virtually) a number of New Scientist online events. One was the psychologist Kimberley Wilson* talking about the human brain, and I subsequently bought her book. I am also doing an online NS course about the human brain and what science knows about how it works. I feel out of my depth, but it’s all really fascinating.
* I googled KW after the event, she kept quiet about the fact she had been a Bake Off finalist. We’ve only started watching this last year, so it had passed me by.

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