
Today's the day ………………………. to photo-bomb

My blip today was going to be the Water Rail (see extra) that I saw skulking in the reedbeds while I was out for a walk.

I had to go and look it up in my bird book to check that was what it was - because I don't think I've ever knowingly seen one before.  I'd also taken a couple of pictures of a Grey Heron that was standing motionless on the mudflats, waiting for something juicy to appear.  But I knew they wouldn't be up to much because I was shooting into the sun which was reflecting off the mud.

Anyway, imagine my surprise when I looked at the pictures on my laptop to find an unexpected addition to the scene!  I think it's a Little Egret - unless you experts out there tell me something different?  It's not even in my book of Scottish Birds , although it is quite old and I think egrets are seen now in places they never used to frequent.

Quite a turn up for the books that just made my day …………………!   

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