Me and my Dad

Today's the day …………………… for a project

Like many people, we have hundreds of photographs in this house - and because we're of a certain age, quite a few of those hundreds are in the shape of 35mm slides.

Included in the collection are slides taken by my Dad, pictured here in about 1975ish.  As I've said before, he was a very good photographer - which actually adds to the problem, because most of his slides are very good too.  They are pictures that you would like to keep.

So, I think I am about to embark on a project to digitise as many of them as I can, without going completely loopy and within some sort of a time-frame?!  I have a scanner that can cope with slides - but only four at a time and quite slowly.  Wish me luck!

That's me in the slide above, by the way - when I would have been about twenty-five years old.  It's a lovely picture and I can almost remember it being taken - by Will.  Which brings me to the inevitable follow-on project from digitising Dad's slides. 

Yes, you've got it - there's all his slides to do too ………………………..?!

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