The unforgiving minute...

By Melsimel


"A candle loses nothing, by lighting another candle"
[James Keller]

I've been thinking about the concept of *pay it forward*
I feel like I should do more. No - correction - I would like to do more.

I'm having a crappy time at the moment, but i'm so, so aware, that my crappy time would actually be a bloody holiday for some people elsewhere in the world. Self-pity has never sat very well with me, (Must blip my *blessing* jar at some point) Having lived and worked in India, Africa, various places where real poverty and suffering are all too prevalent, I find myself constantly muttering "Get a bloody grip of yourself woman" every time I feel a bit a bit prone to self-indulgent pity.

So i'm trying to figure out what I can do to pay some of my blessings forward. (Selfishly, I guess i'm doing it to make myself feel 'better' ... but I won't dwell on that bit).

Hmmmm ....

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