
By madowoi


Between the cafeteria, entranceway, lobby, and library, entering the school where I work takes you past a.lot of glass. Given the angular forms in the architecture, layers of reflection appear when the light is just right. That's what I thought about when looking at the image for today's "Mono Monday."

Honestly I felt a bit awkward trying to take this photo since I didn't want anyone in the shot. I would also love to widen the view and catch the glass on a clear day with lots of sky mirrored in the glass. That's something I'll be keeping in mind for another day.


Monkey and Sun, a Fable: Part III (Concluded)

After walking for a time grumbling to himself Monkey came to a clearing where he could see Sun shining on a different mountain. “Ha!” he thought. “I will show you, Sun!” He stopped and unpacked his special device. He set up his new equipment. He thought very carefully about all the different things he had read about and watched people talk about on the internet as he took pictures of Sun on the mountain. By this time Sun was drinking a nice mug of coffee and nibbling away at a delicious raspberry danish. “I’ve got you now Sun!” Monkey gloated as he took photo after photo, waiting for one of them to look incredibly amazing. 

But, as it turned out, none of them ever did. Monkey started to grow upset. “Sun!” he cried. “You are still not cooperating!” But Sun did not reply. She had finished her danish and was spreading some birdseed out at the feeder near her window. Feeling very grumpy, Monkey packed up his things and decided to keep walking. He thought maybe he was not actually a Photographer. He was just a Walking-around Creature, since that was the only thing he seemed to be any good at. He put on his backpack and turned to go. 

Just then, through an opening in some trees behind him that he had not noticed before, Monkey saw Sun heading out for her morning walk. She was skipping along across an icy stream that led down to a sandy beach. She danced across the waves as they shimmered up to the shore in the distance. Her arms trailed out on each side and slipped along the granite cliffs as she rose into the sky. Monkey was awestruck. For a moment he almost couldn’t breath. He even forgot to get his device out, which was a good thing since it was out of batteries by this point anyway. He just watched Sun go by for a while, and didn’t even feel cold. “Thank you Sun!” Monkey called after her. “I think maybe now I understand!”

But Sun did not answer. She was heading off over the mountains on her way to work.

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