
By HareBrain

A secret garden?

A very slow blip day but a very busy work day. Thought if I peered over this door with the ivy growing invitingly over the wall it might reveal a lovely little secret walled garden. I'm nosy you see and being over 6ft I don't need the help of any six-inch Louboutins so was able to see over the gate only to be very disappointed. One day it might have been the entrance into a secret garden but now the space is just very overgrown with lots more ivy and brambles - but nevertheless a nice little haven for wildlife and birds of which I saw exactly none!!!

For those who are not in the know (me for one, until my Granddaughter announced she had her first Louboutins for Christmas and you can just imagine the look and reply I had when I asked what they were - well, I didn't know, she works in a very smart Restaurant in London, could have been some fancy fish dish, or something??!) - Christian Louboutin, French footwear designer whose footwear has incorporated shiny, red-lacquered soles that have become his signature and some have 6" heels.

Grandma definitely not 'on-trend' this time!!

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