Life on the go

By BarryBadcock

Remembering a Time

Remembering a Time. 
So Picture this, This morning I had just wasted about 30 minutes surfing the web for an answer to a very simple question 'What are the current recycle icons on packaging and what do they mean' In Principle I failed. Still a tad confused. Anyway I was sitting there looking out of the window and happened to but my fingers in my top waistcoat pocket and felt something. I pulled it out and it was a MacDonald's pepper portion. 'What is that doing there?' I thought. Then I remembered the last time I had worn this waistcoat was on the 21st January 2020. 'That’s a remarkable memory Barry' I hear you say. Well not really. 

- The 21st January 2020 was a Wednesday. On this day of the week we used to help Frances take the kids to Swimming. 
- The 21st was Andy's birthday and he was taking Fran out for a meal so we were grandchild sitting. 
- As a treat to Aiden and Beanie (and me) we took them to MacDonald's. 

An excellent meal - I really love the occasional foray into 'Junk Food' :) 

Day 280 of Project 365

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