The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Light Painting

Can you believe tomorrow is hump day already?

Walk with Phoebe to start the day which was quite good - she was doing ok with walking as in walking and not stopping, sitting down and refusing to move.  She played with Wilf and Dolly in the park and I had a nice socially distanced dog walk/ chat with the other owners.  I know so many more people in my village now that I have a dog - so bizarre how much of a difference having a dog makes to who you talk to.

Work was ok - think I made some progress with some things which is good.  As much as I gripe, I have to say I have a good team and I'm massively proud of them.

I watched some of the lectures from Week 1 in my Work and Wellbeing module.  It's an interesting topic and massively relevant in this day and age.  One thing that is interesting is that one of the founding fathers - so to speak - of organisational Psychology found (in the late 1800/early 1900s) that number of hours worked did not relate to productivity and if you cut the number of work hours (used to be 60 per week) then productivity actually increased.

Interesting thought that struck me was that this would have been in manual/ unskilled work however if we look at work now - most of those jobs have set shifts that never exceed 37/ 40 hours per week and the office management jobs have gone in the opposite way so the findings are absolutely still relevant 100 years on but in the "management" layer - the office workers and the knowledge workers and based on how I spend my days I am so sure it's not all very productive.

After doing some Uni work I watched a you tube video on light painting (see below) - this is my attempt.  

What I learned was:
1 - my cello is massively out of tune (but because it has not been played or touched in over a decade
2 - it's dusty - see above point
3 - it's holding up a rug - see point number 1
4 - A new focus trick which works a treat - so pleased with how sharp it turned out
5 - I don't have the tools to do it properly
6 - I want the tools to do it properly and finally,
7 - it was fun.

Light Painting tutorial

Tomorrow is hump day - how quickly did that come around???

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