St Edward's Crown

Today's blip is a 1st class stamp from 2011 and depicts the St Edward's Crown from the British Crown Jewels. The actual crown was created in 1661 and has apparently only actually been used for the crowning of only six monarchs, including the current incumbent. I've never seen the Crown Jewels, but my wife has and said they were a bit of a let down...

The jewels are quite old and so the cutting of the stones probably doesn't make them sparkle as well as they could if they had been done more recently. I know we looked at a lot of gems in a museum and the cut and lighting can make a massive difference to how they look. Also some of the stones in the collections should also probably be returned to the counties where they belong...

In 2011 we had moved into our previous house and started the work on bringing it up to standard. We loved that house and we were very sad when we had to sell it to escape Brexitania...

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