Henny Penny Egg holder

I have had this for many years. When we used to go caravaning up in Wensleydale we always used to go to the Car Boot Sale in Bedale on the Saturday.  On this particular day it was getting late and the sellers were packing up and i just spotted this. I'd always wanted one but it was £12.99 so i asked if she would consider taking less and she just said you can have it for £2.50 so I snapped it up.

I never used it for eggs, but when Grace and Autumn used to come and stayed to tea whenever I asked Autumn what she wanted she would say an egg so I said she had to ask Mrs Hen and would show it empty and she would say "Mrs Hen can i have an egg please "  then we left it and when she wasn't looking i would pop an egg inside then just before tea we would go have a look and Mrs Hen had laid an egg for her.

So thats my blip for today.

Well this afternoon i decided to tidy the kitchen windowsills i started on one and ended up cleaning the glass all the frame then decided the curtains were dusty as i never close them so took them down and washed them now tomorrow i will have to start on the other window and curtains there were a few cobwebs up there too that needed to come down. I really only meant to tidy the sills. So i am starting spring cleaning a bit early.

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