
I went out. I'm going to write that again because it seems so radical - I went out. I needed a bit of shopping so I went over to Sainsburys, it's further than the Tesco at the bottom of the hill but it's a much larger shop so there is a bigger range and more space for everyone. As it was, it wasn't that busy - I've certainly seen it much busier, even during lockdown. It felt quite daring, actually being in the car and heading through town, it doesn't happen that often just now.

The image is one of the security guys at the entrance. He's wearing a sling so I guess that he deals with the older, trailer trouble-makers and his fully-able young colleague deals with the folk who are a bit more spry. It seems strange that stores feel the need to employ security in this way, they were both identified as such, but if it keeps people safe it can only be a good thing (or it gives an impression of safety - equally important).

We've got a warning for yellow snow overnight - I hope that you all know what one shouldn't do with the yellow snow. For those in need of some guidance, I refer you to the late, great Frank Zappa.

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