Here we go again – Day 11

Today when I went out on my 'first thing in the morning' walk it seemed quite warm. There was no snow or ice anywhere but all the grassy areas were very muddy. I was on my lead and we didn't go too far so I stayed relatively clean.

After Ann had watched some more rubbish on TV breakfast she said, 'Trixie, let's go to Porty Beach. You can play with your ball and then this afternoon you can just trek around the streets on your lead. Beach play might make you wet and sandy but at least you'll stay clean.'

So that is what we did..........................

To be honest, we probably shouldn't be going out in the car just so that I can have a play on the beach (& we certainly wouldn't even of dreamt of doing it in 'proper' lock down) but actually Ann feels that it's 'essential' to take the car further than the supermarket. In first lock down the weather was brilliant, but as our car lives outside in all weathers it probably needs to go out more than once a week??!

I had a brilliant play on Porty Beach. I played for almost an hour and when we got home I went straight into my bed for a snooze. Ann watched more TV. 2 hours later she woke me up and said, 'Trixie, we're going to the park to meet Fiona'. I was very happy when I heard that because I thought my afternoon walk was just going to be a trek around on my lead.

Fiona lives near the park and she had told Ann to wear her 'snow trax' because it was very icy. Ann ignored her because I'd already been out twice and there wasn't a snowflake in sight. OMG! The park was like a skating rink. I was OK because I have four paws and I'm near the ground. Fortunately Fiona had her snow trax on so she let Ann use her hiking stick. It's just incredible how different the weather is half a mile up the road. And it was very, very, lovely for Ann to see Fiona in real life. Even if she was slipping and sliding all over the place.

Anyway after three walks today I was really, really hungry. I asked Ann for dinner at 4.15pm (I get my dinner at 5.30-6pm) but she said it was too early so she gave me a carrot. I gobbled that up in super quick time so asked again at 4.45pm. Fortunately Ann realised that I was mega hungry so she gave me early dinner and I'm now back in my bed snoozing.

…................And here we are.................. Another Friday night in lock down.

Watching the news. At least we're both still alive!!!

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