Ice and freezing fog

I never went out all day except to the bin and that was a  hazardous journey in itself. This was the scene all day from my front porch. The main roads were a bit better but slushy I was informed by Kirsty when her dad took her and her mam shopping late afternoon. The car is clear of snow because Paula went out and scraped it all off it was just ice.

My son and the girls were coming today when he picked them up from school, but of course they weren't at school due to the snow, then  I got a message saying he wasn't coming because he was isolating. Apparently the girl he gives a lift to work to has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for covid 19 so she  has to isolate and wait for a test kit to be delivered, and because she has been in his car with him he has also to do the same so he is awaiting a test kit too. A bit worrying lets hope he tests negative. At least he is being paid he said.

Sounds like more snow to come but then it's going to get milder and so lets hope the ice and snow goes because I can't stand up on it, I had to use my walking stick to go to the bin and it's only round the corner. I don't think Molly was bothered but poor Tanzy was miserable all day even though we have a large back garden. Dogs are funny.

Stay safe every one

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