Air traffic

The air traffic has been heavy here this past week as the military use our airport for practice in preparation for the inauguration on January 20th.

Air Force One even uses our airport for practice so it is seen in our skies often.

These jets have been doing a lot of low flying and so things have been much noisier than usual.

There are those that post on local blogs to complain but personally I love looking up and seeing these wonderful machines in flight and I have great respect for our military.

Baron did awesome last night and in extra is a photo of her when I woke this morning with her on my lap. She has been great today and behaved so much better than I anticipated.

Right now she is napping in the cat carrier which is her normal napping place of choice.

Thanks to everyone that sent her purramedic wishes. >^..^<

Stay home if you can and take care of yourself and each other xx

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