Smiley faces on Sunday

Cloudy but mild..ish at 7 degrees. Decided to walk by Furness Abbey. 

As expected there were quite a few people out walking ( mostly couples) but all well spaced out most of the time. We had to walk out on to the grass verge a few times on the main road to give people clearance but it was ok and most of the time we were on our own. 
A few runners today.. all panting away. I'm glad none passed too close, they seem to exude sweat. 

The lights were on in the Abbey entrance and we realised it was open.  We have a free pass but the notice said pre booked only. I don't think that would have been a problem  but we didnt have the pass with us, M didnt have his mask with him ( for wearing as you go through the entrance) and we decided it might be quite muddy underfoot today (wrong footwear) 
But next weekend we may well go  in. 
They have spent some time putting up barriers and arrows to control  the flow of people around the grounds. Sad to see  nobody in there but  only local people would be going in as travelling any distance isnt encouraged. 

I had my new 50mm lens on the camera. The quality seems very good and the photo of the sheep  came out ok especially as it is well cropped as she ( he?) was in the middle of a field and I had to take this peering through a hawthorn bush . I loved her smiley  face, she looks so relaxed.

The other 'smiley' photo is of the old concierge's hut. It was once the entrance to the Abbey and it looks a bit like a smiley face to me ( I'm daft like that)

The news today says that almost 4 million people have received their first Vaccine against Covid. Which sounds a lot but only a fraction of the whole population so still a lot more to go.  I've a feeling lockdown may be lasting for a long time! 
As long as we can get get out for a walk each day , ideally not in the rain, I think I can cope.  It will be even better when it starts to get lighter,  I hate these dark days.  
I'm so glad I dont live in a built up area 

Thank you everyone for your stars and comments. Stay safe and well

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