Nort Trei Geo

A windy day, easing later.  Raining this morning, cleared for a while, even a lovely sunny afternoon, and then more heavy rain showers this evening. 

Up early, and a morning around the house.  Headed down to see bro Jonny and family before noon, and even managed a chilly cuppa in the garden.  Met friend Julie for walkies with the dogs at the beach.  An early start in the shop this evening.  More walkies with Sammy, and then feet up for the night.  Another three Coronavirus cases today in Shetland.  

Jonny was up for a walk, not so much the bairns, too cold and windy.  We headed off out, along the banks from Jonny's house.  It sure was blustery at the edge of the cliffs, but the scenery was outstanding, and must come back here again in the summer.  I've done parts of this walk, but not here at this natural arch.  Taken at North Trei Geo, Ness of Ireland.  

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