Gadderin Tang

A breezy day, mixed with bright sunny spells, and then heavy showers, wintery at times.  More heavy showers this evening. 

I've been working from home today, and getting through plenty of photos.  Met friend Julie for walkies with the dogs this evening, and we didn't get too wet.  A quiet night with the telly, a new jigsaw, and fire on.  Another three Coronavirus cases today in Shetland.  

I nipped down to mam's at lunchtime, she was needing a hand getting buckets of tang (seaweed) up from the shore, to her vegetable yard.  The tang is rich in nutrition, which is great for the ground.  I  also took the time to do a beach clean, and got my first bag filled for this year.  I was slightly quicker with my buckets, so had time to snap mam, as she caught up.  Taken above the Ayre o Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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